Life goals are sometimes the fire that keeps us going. My life goals has enabled my to start my passion project of becoming a photographer and serving my clients. I have many life goals, both personal and for my business but lets talk about some personal ones first. So here’s my top three life goals:
My first and most important life goal is to be able to provide for my family the best way I can. I am working to lay a foundation that I hope with continue for generations after me. I don’t like to say “I want my children to want for nothing,” but ideally that’s what I’m working for. While still teaching them the importance of money, budgets, etc. I want to give my family enough cushion that we can take vacations and pay for XYZ and not have to worry about whether or not we can afford that hit this month.
I love to travel. Whether it’s hours on the freeway or a plane trip to somewhere. I love seeing new things and making new experiences. Before ‘Rona, my family would take a family vacation some where, usually on a beach some and I’m perfectly okay with that. We’ve been on a carnival cruise to the Bahamas, which started it all, explored in Punta Cana, and me and hubs relaxed in St. Lucia for our honeymoon. We also like to travel for our family reunion, which hasn’t happened since 2016! (Know I did an eye roll here). We started to plan to do one this year, but who really knows what state our country will be in by then. But I truly miss my family. We lost 3 family members back in 2016 all within 3 months… That was literally the worst time of my life. After that, I held Jr a little tighter and made a promise to spend more time with my family. Which leads me to goal three.
In 2016, one of the people I lost was my grandmother, GG as we called her. She was Jr’s babysitter from before he was one up until she got sick. At first she’d watch him throughout the week, then weekends as I transitioned from school full time to working full time. She was our rock and even though I probably “seen” her the most I feel like I knew her the least. I was always wrapped in trying to get to work/school early, getting the boy (Jr) back home by a certain time, making it to one of his many events, etc. that I feel like I missed spending quality time with her. After she passed I vowed to do better. I vowed to get out of my own world of things and spend more that 10 quality minutes with my family before I mentally started planning how to conquer my goals and dreams. Now I make weekly trips to see my family, call/text more often, and spend more in the moment times with them.
Can you now see why I focus on family and always talk about generational moments? Three life goals all centered around my family. I didn’t even fully notice all three were family focused until I stopped typing after number 3. I will always cherish every moment I have with my family whether it’s a new experience during a vacation or during one of our many Sunday dinners.
Are you ready to capture some generational moments? Contact me and lets book your next session
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